Myopia Control

One of the most common vision problems we encounter at Moore Eye Clinic is myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness. People suffering from myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but cannot focus properly on distant objects.

Myopia is a growing problem in the U.S. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that the incidence of myopia in Americans between the ages of 12 and 54 increased from 25% to over 41% from 1972 to 2004. Once thought to be strictly a genetic issue, there is mounting concern that the growth in myopia in the population may be driven by environmental components, such as the increased use of computer screens.

The good news is that most forms of myopia can be corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. However, there are other treatments for myopia that hold the promise of greatly reducing the severity or even completely eliminating the problem of “nearsightedness.”

How to Control Myopia in Children?

What you should know if your child is nearsighted

Does your child’s prescription seem to go up every year? He/She just needs an updated pair of glasses or contacts and it’s back to business as usual. In the past we believed being nearsighted (myopic) was just a nuisance and certainly not harmful, but we were wrong!

The evidence shows that the more myopic your child gets, the more at risk you are for serious eye diseases/conditions later in life! Yes, that you read that correctly. The higher the Rx, the higher the risk for future problems. And it’s the types of diseases/conditions that can result in major vision problems, even blindness. We now know that glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration and retinal detachments are all linked to myopia. The more myopic, the more at risk. That is why it is so very very important that we do what we can to protect our children’s eyes from getting worse. Here are some quick facts.

At 3.00D of myopia, the risk of cataract triples, and the risk of retinal detachment and myopic maculopathy is 9 times that of a person who isn’t nearsighted. Once children reach 5.00D of myopia, they hold a 5 times greater risk of cataract, 21 times greater risk of retinal detachment, and 40 times greater risk of myopic maculopathy.  These ratio risks demonstrate that there is no physiological level of myopia that could be considered “safe” in comparison to those who aren’t nearsighted (Flitcroft, 2012).

If you want to help ensure your child’s eyes stay as healthy as possible then myopia control is a must. Common forms of myopia control include special soft multifocal contact lenses and medicated eye drops.  It all starts with a myopia control consultation with a doctor who is up on the latest research, technology and techniques. A customized treatment plan that is most appropriate for you child will be discussed.

Myopia Therapy at Moore Eye Clinic in Tuscaloosa, AL

There’s no need to go through life without seeing the world around you more clearly. A customized treatment plan that is most appropriate for you child will be discussed. Dr. Robert L. Moore of Moore Eye Clinic is passionate about myopia control. For more information, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.